Entry 08

John Prine asked us,

"How the hell can a person
Go to work in the mornin'
Come home in the evenin'
And have nothing to say"?

Mom warned us, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

I say damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Reposting and edits of a Facebook post given to me today as a “Memory.” I originally posted it in my News Feed on Facebook on 17 April 2017, not long before Irma and Maria. Not long before I began to understand just how disastrous the Trump Administration would turn out to be. About three years before it became apparent how devastating Covid-19 was becoming. About the time that the Black Lives Matter movement brought increased awareness, and White America had to start paying more attention to press reports and candid filming of racist police practices and the blatantly in your face actions of the fascist white supremacist militia rodeo.

John Prine left us a year and ten days ago. I’m sorry I never got the chance to tell him he was right and Mom was wrong. There is something really messed up about being able to live in this world and having nothing to say about it.

Don’t say anything at all is the worst advice I’ve ever heard Mom.


Entry 07